What & where to eat in Rome: Castel Sant’Angelo

Would you like to know what to do and where to eat in this area? Here you are even more: this is the list of the best restaurants near Saint’Angel Castle.

What and where to eat: the best restaurants near Castel Sant’Angelo

One of the best restaurant of this area is definitely La Fraschetta di Castel Sant’Angelo (Via del Banco di Santo Spirito, 20), a lovely and homely restaurant where you can enjoy their amazing home made pasta and some really delicious desserts (try the tiramisù!!).

if you are inside Castel Sant’Angelo and you want to take a break or just have a coffee, well, you already are in the right place: right in the middle of the castle there’s a lovely and very simple bar, Coffee in Castel Sant’Angelo, perfect for a nice break or lunch.
The last, but not the least, some advice if you want to taste an amazing gelato.

There’s a wonderful gelateria, right in front of Castel Sant’Angelo, on the other side of the river, the Gelateria del Teatro (Via dei Coronari, 65), where you can taste a unique, creative and delicious artisan gelato.

Castel Sant’Angelo: a little bit of history

This is one of the symbols of Rome. Originally a tomb, built for the great Roman emperor Hadrian, transformed into a fortress, a prison therfore a Museum. Erected on theright bank of the Tiber, between 134 and 139 AD.

Hadrian and his wife and step-son, likewise other emperors were buried here, in the treasury room. Hadrian wanted this Tomb monumental and facing the city.

Today, the building is accessible with the magnificent baroque bridge with amazing the statues of angels. The white statues looks the pilgrims holding aloft elements of the Passion of Christ.

On the top of the Castle there is a huge statue representing the Archangel Michael (Archangelo Michele).
Legend holds that the Archangel Michael appeared atop the mausoleum, sheathing his sword as a sign of the end of the plague of 590. In short lending the castle its present name.

The popes converted the structure into a castle, beginning in the 14th century.

In order to protect himself from a possible attack, Pope Nicholas III connected the castle to St Peter’s Basilica. This corridor is called the Passetto di Borgo. In summer season is possible to walk for half distance from the Castle in the direction o the Vatican. Is not possible to complete the walk reaching the Vatican, but is very fascinating.

The fortress was the refuge of Pope Clement VII from the siege of Charles V’s Landsknechte during the Sack of Rome (1527).
Castel Sant’Angelo was even a prison. Giordano Bruno, for example, was imprisoned there for six years. Another prisoner was the sculptor and goldsmith Benvenuto Cellini. Executions were performed in the small inner courtyard. As a prison, it was also the setting for the third act of Giacomo Puccini’s 1900 opera Tosca.

Decommissioned in 1901, the castle is now a museum, the Museo Nazionale di Castel Sant’Angelo.
However, more than a National Museum, is a place full of life (despite the multiple stories about its ghosts), where are usually held concerts, events e tours.

When to go

The best period of the day to come and walk around the forum is late afternoon, when the sun goes down and the entire castle and the bridge (Ponte Sant’Angelo) become red and orange, with amazing views everywhere and a lovely and super romantic atmosphere.
The Castleopens every day, from 9 a.m till 7.30 p.m (ticket office closes at 6.30 p.m). You should always check if there are some temporary shows or particular events (like concerts) in order to book the best tour you can get.


How to reach it

Subway, A line: Lepanto; Ottaviano-San Pietro
Autobus: lines 62, 23, 271, 982, 280 (Piazza Pia)
Bus line 40 (Piazza Pia)
Line 34 (Via di Porta Castello)
Bus line 49, 87, 926, 990 (Piazza Cavour-fermata via Crescenzio)
Line 64, 46 (Santo Spirito)

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Any enquiry about this article? Write to Alessandra at love@www.gourmetaly.com. Alessandra is a local foodie and insider, she studied foreign languages and she speaks English and German. Meet Alessandra and join one of our events.