How do you make Pasta alla Carbonara?

Mezze maniche alla carbonara
Pasta alla Carbonara is not only one of the most delicious and ancient first courses of Roman cuisine.
Moreover, is also the most searched dish in delivery apps.
Appreciated and imitated all over the world, its origins seem to date back to just after the Second World War. Some connect the dish’s creation with the arrival of American soldiers.
It seems they introduced the Romans to powdered eggs and bacon.
Instead, the great Italian restaurateur Luigi Carnacina argued that it was prepared by loggers during their breaks.
In other words, there are many versions of this typical dish. The most disparate variations lists: mushrooms, avocado, chicken, shrimp and so on!
But do not tell this to a real Roman chef.
For roman people Carbonara is just a milestone and generally variations are not really appreciated in other words.
The traditional recipe, to sum up, calls for guanciale (pork cheek), eggs, Parmigiano Reggiano cheese, Pecorino Romano cheese and pepe nero (black pepper) .
Here are the best places to eat it:

Barbara Agosti and her Carbonara
Chef Barbara Agosti has a menu devoted entirely to Carbonara. All her ingredients and eggs are entirely organic and high quality.
Yellow, green, purple and black are just some of nuances achieved using different ingredients including saffron pistils, crispy artichoke, purple potatoes and truffles.
In conclusion, you can also have a Carbonara “a modo tuo” (your own way).
That is to say, you are free choosing the type of pasta and eggs you want!
Via Natale del Grande, 52
Top quality ingredients.
The Chef serves a Carbonara whose excellence has the quality of its products to thank: organic eggs, guanciale and pecorino from small artisan producers.
Via dei Giubbonari, 21/22
Luciano – Cucina italiana
Luciano Monosilio is a young chef, but, he already counts among the Carbonara masters. The highlight of his Carbonara is, above all, its creaminess .
Piazza del Teatro di Pompeo, 18
Arcangelo Dandini is a Super-Chef; one of the things that make his Carbonara stand out is the absence of pepper.
Via Giuseppe Gioachino Belli, 59
A perfect frothy balance of eggs, pepper and guanciale for a memorable Carbonara. Highly skilled in making it creamy.
Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 250
Enjoy! And if this dish has truly impressed you, you can discover the original recipe at the following LINK , or even better, participate in our class to learn all its secrets and make it perfectly at home!