Tag Archive for: gourmetaly

Italian meatballs

Italian Meatballs: an iconic dish of traditional Italian cuisine

How can you not love them? Italian meatballs is one of the most…
Italian Carnival sweets

The three Italian Carnival sweets: Struffoli, Frappe and Castagnole

Carnival is the perfect celebration for those with a sweet tooth!…
Soups and broths

Pasta e fagioli and Pasta e ceci: two traditional Italian dishes

Within the tradition of Italian first courses, soups and broths…
Fettuccine Alfredo

Fettuccine Alfredo: Italian or American dish?

Today in the United States it’s Fettuccine Alfredo Day. An…
Cornetto e cappuccino

The Italian Cornetto: Don’t call me Croissant!

It’s Croissant Day! During this day we want to celebrate its…
Moka express bialetti caffettiera


What if we said Omino coi baffi (Little Man with a Moustache)?…
let’s celebrate women in the Italian food & wine scene

March 8th 2024: let’s celebrate women in the Italian food & wine scene

March 8th: International Women’s Day 2024. The number of women…

Let’s discover the best pistachio gelato in Rome: celebrating the World Pistachio Day!

Celebrating the World Pistachio Day: let’s discover this delectable…
gourmetaly celebrating 10 years

Gourmetaly food tours: 12 years in food and wine tourism

Many moons ago, in the year of 2013, a tale of passion and tradition…
Marco Carpineti visita in cantina

Visit to the winery & Team building: Marco Carpineti wine

A quiet road a few kilometers south of Rome climbs the western…