New Year’s Eve 2021: what to do in Rome
What to do in Rome in these exciting and complicated times? Looking for a party to celebrate the New year’ eve?
Here you find a survival list of events to celebrate the New Upcoming year 2022.
Due to the Covid emergency, the free public concert at the Circus Maximus was cancelled.
The priority of the municipality of Rome is, indeed, to safeguard the health of the Romans and avoid gatherings that can aggravate a pandemic situation.
So, it is very likely that there will be no events involving gatherings.
Street parties on New Year’s Eve are prohibithed, as well as the sale of take-away alcohol on key days.
There is a ban on the consumption of food and drinks in public areas, excluding water. Consumption at outdoor tables is allowed, in compliance with the distance provided.
In public outdoor places it is forbidden to carry out events, parties or other manifestations that could give rise to phenomena of gathering or crowding.
The obligation to wear personal protective equipment, even outdoors, in any non-public place is confirmed.
Recommendation: Book a table for your dinner as soon as possible. Restaurants will be open but probably fully booked. Contact us for recommendations.
Events in Rome:
Art lovers will not be disappointed. In the first weekend of January, Rome City will offer a free entrance to several museums of the Capital.
Enjoy an unusual and extraordinary free access to the Museums in Rome only in the 1st January 2022 from 14.00 to 20.00 pm (last access slot at 19.00 pm).
You will find art historians and guided free tours offered by the Municipal Fine Art board.
All Civic Museums in Rome will be free of charge.
With the exception for the following (paid admission only):
– The Klimt exhibition in Palazzo Braschi.
– La Secessione e l’Italia at the Museo di Roma
– The Torlonia’s Marbles collection in Villa Caffarelli.
– At the Palazzo delle Esposizioni from 16.00 to 22.30, free admission for the Science exhibition. Past, present and future of a city.
– Modern art activity at the Mattatoio from 16.00 to 20.00 with the exhibition Conosco un labirinto che è una linea retta, by Dora García.
– At the MACRO museum from 16.00 to 22.00 free entrance to Fore-edge Painting, with Tauba Auerbach, Kerstin Brätsch, Cansu Çakar, Enzo Cucchi, Camille Henrot, Victor Man, Andrea Salvino and Andro Wekua;
You can have my brain di Anna-Sophie Berger and Teak Ramos;
The Extra Geography di Sublime Frequencies;
Autoritratto with Salvo, which includes works by Jonathan Monk, Nicolas Party, Nicola Pecoraro and Ramona Ponzini;
Win A New Car di VIER5;
Chi ha paura di Patrizia Vicinelli, about the poetress Patrizia Vicinelli.
Meet the artist, no stop projection to discover Macro Museum, for adults and kids.
For Music lovers:
1st and 2nd January at the Auditorium Parco della Musica free entrance for:
– Adrian Tranquilli an unguarded moment, visual installations.
– Paolo Ketoff. “Il liutaio elettronico”, abiut the extraordinary technological creations by Ketoff.
– January 1st at 17.30 symposium about Ketoff and the music of the 60’s nd 70’s by Michele Dall’Ongaro e Michelangelo Lupone.
Concerts at the Auditorium Parco della Musica.
-Emmanuel Djob by the Gospel river at 22.00 pm – Sinopoli Hall
-Concert by PFM canta De Andrè – at 22.00 pm – Santa Cecilia
1st January 2022
– Stefano di Battista in concert, musics by Lucio Dalla – at 18.30 pm Sala Petrassi hrs
Auditorium della Conciliazione – 1st January 2022
-Concert by Gerardo di Lella “Roma caput musicae” at 19.00 pm
Ballet and Opera lovers:
– The Nutcracker – at 18.00 Tetro dell’Opera (Opera Theatre)
31/12/202 at 18:46 –Teatro Ghione: La notte dei Miracoli (Italian)
31/12/2021 at 20.00 pm- Teatro tirso de Molina : Pablo e Pedro – speciale Capodanno (italian)
31/12/2021 at 21:30 pm – Teatro Sala Umberto: Santo Piacere – Giovanni Scifoni
31/12/2021 at 22:00 pm – Teatro olimpico: Maurizio Battista Tutti contro Tutti
1/01/2022 at 17:00 pm – Teatro Brancaccio: Alladin
Important! As provided for by the Decree Law 23 July 2021, n. 105 “Urgent measures to address the COVID-19 epidemiological emergency and for the safe exercise of social and economic
activities”, from August 6th to December 31st, access to cultural and recreational activities (cinemas, theatres, indoor or outdoor venues for events such as concerts or other kinds of events) will be granted only to individuals, aged over 12 years, with a COVID-19 Green Certificate (Green Pass).
Access to cultural and recreational activities (cinemas, theatres, indoor or outdoor venues for events such as concerts or other kinds of events) will be granted only to individuals, aged over 12 years, with a COVID-19 Green Certificate obtained from vaccination and healing from covid (so-called reinforced Green Pass).
For further information on the COVID-19 Green Certificate visit the official website and discover:
What is the Green Pass – COVID-19 Green Certificate
How the Green Pass works – COVID-19 Green Certificate
How to get the Green Pass – COVID-19 Green Certificate