cesanese grapes vigneto vini del lazio

Drink Italian! The best wines from Latium

Drink Italian! The best wines from Latium region of Rome

Are you visiting Rome and want to taste Italian wine, better if local? The best wines from the region are waiting for your taste buds. Every time, opening a bottle of wine, we embark on a journey through history indeed. A trip through flavors and traditions of a particular territory and Country. Discovering new aromas and flavors means, most important, to get in touch with a culture. As a result, you’ll better understand why Italian wines are so different, region by region. In other words, learning a little bit about the origin of the wine you are sipping, makes the moment unique. It is understood that the best wine is the one you like. However we like to look for few characteristics such as quality, for example. riserva della cascina- visita in cantina visit o the vineyard (1)

Wines from Lazio: a little bit of history

Historically, local cultivation of the vine began with the ancient Romans. But even before the Etruscan people were already making wine. When the Roman Culture met the Greek one, Roman winemakers learnt a lot and changed the way to produce it. However, grapes growing on a volcanic area influenced decidedly finale taste of wines. Wine in Rome was different from the sweet greek one. For a long period even considered of low quality. But Roman ancient people dedicated themselves to improve quality of their wines. Until they’ll dominate completely both the world and the food style. Did you know were the Ancient Romans to export mainly all grapes varieties worldwide?

 That is to say, Latium region is the cradle of enology.

In conclusion, we need to wait the late 19th Century for the new era of local wines. Likewise , we need to wait the xx Century for a new genartion of vineyards planted in a former marshy and malaric area. The pianura pontina, a fertile land southern of Rome, reclaimed  during Fascist period. Nowadays perfect soil for international grape varieties such as Syrah, Merlot, Cabernet and Petit Verdot.


Certainly, wine is representative of a specific area, and provided with a defined style. Here at Gourmetaly, we favor the wines produced with these features. What is the current reputation for Italian wines from Latuim region? we can say an up and down reputation. Fortunately, the last 20 years revelaed a number of serious and quality producers making very good wines. Talking about Lazio, the region of Rome, we need to keep in mind its soil: a volcanic land, marine, mountainous and flat.

courtesy of Casale del Giglio - wines from latium_ the amazing vineyard of Biancolella on Ponza IslandWines to try from Latium

Local white grapes are many such as Trebbiano, Malvasia, Bombino, Cacchione, Moscato di Terracina for whites. Red grapes are Aleatico, Sangiovese, Montepulciano, Ciliegiolo and Cesanese. We recommend trying some of the following that we believe really good this year.

White wines

Frascati Superiore 2012 wine company Casale Marchese (Vermicino, Rome)
Poggio della Costa 2012 wine Mottura (Viterbo)
2012 Tenuta Poggio Verde Frascati Pallavicini (Rome)
Oppidum Secco 2012 Cantina Sant’Andrea (Terracina, Latina)
Capolemole Bianco Marco Carpineti (Cori, Latina)
Satrico Secco 2018 Casale del Giglio (Le Ferriere, Latina)

Red wines

Cesanese Piglio Campo Novo 2012 – Casale della Ioria (Frosinone),
Cesanese di Olvano Romano winery Le Cerquette (Olevano Romano, Rome)
Circeo Sogno Cantina Sant’Andrea (Terracina, Latina)
Rosso Le Coste del Lago (Viterbo)
Mater Matuta Casale del Giglio (Le Ferriere, Latina)

wine tasting exxperience - caratteristiche del vino degustazioneDo you want to know where to buy wines, how to pair one of the wines listed with food or local recipes? Contact us.