Boast of Roman food: granita di caffè con panna
Granità di cafè con panna: how to make this simple recipe with espresso coffee
This is for all of you who enjoyed our espresso, gelato and tiramisu tour .(I know that you’d now missing Italian espresso and you’re regretting do not having bought one of those).
You’d need 250 ml coffee (espresso or moka)
250 ml of water, 100 grams of sugar (brown sugar is very good), a vanilla bean.
250 ml of fresh whipping cream, powdered sugar.
Starting with the flavor: make a nice coffee, strong flavor and intense aroma. Put the sugar in a saucepan, along with the water and the vanilla bean, then turn on the flame. Mix it and make it boil, then wait a minute and turn off the fire: they call it syrup.
At this point add the coffee saved from compulsive drinking, stir and let cool: the hard job is done!
When the mixture has reached room temperature, then move to a glass container or steel that and place it in the freezer. Be ready to spend next 3 hours at home…..every 30-40 minutes you need to open the freezer and stir the granita to prevent sugar crystals are too large and/or lack of coffee, then get back to freeze. You need a strong willing and hard patience!
When you see that granita is almost ready, you can store the cream in the freezer for 10 minutes before mount it with the beaters, adding powdered sugar
The secret is add LESS sugar than you’d like – you remember? the whipped cream was not so sweet…you need to have a contrast with the granita.
Transfer the granita in a glass, deposit above a glorious dollop of whipped cream and imagine to tasting it in front of the Patheon. Enjoy it!
Did you know?
Granita is very popular all the year around. You’ll always have one at the historycal Tazza d’Oro coffee shop or at the legendary Sant’Eustachio bar. In Sicily, where probably granita was invented for first time, they love to make it more with fruit juices or almond syrup.